Extreme Close Quarters Tactics 1 Day Course
An advanced 1-day course for experienced shooters and armed professionals. This course will focus on engagements inside of "double arm distance." This course features a significiant amount of retention work, unorthodox shooting positions, introduction to some Combat Focus shooting concepts and a variety of less-lethal options. During this course students will utilize impact reduction equipment and training rounds to engage one another and role-players with firearms while grappling and during various gun-grab or ambush scenarios.
The core components of this course are a key part of the curriculum for military special operations personnel who train with I.C.E. in the Close Quarters Counter Ambush program.
This is an intense course meant for armed professionals and individuals with advanced weapons handling skills and reasonable levels of physical fitness.
Bring protective Gloves, long sleeve shirt, pants with belt that allow athletic activity and groin protection. Elbow pads, knee pads and other protective equipment is optional.